Friday, September 18, 2009

It's almost time...

Wow, been a while since I posted. Oh well, I've been busy with my Cricut, learning so many new things. I'm getting ready for a Day of the Dead Swap and here's the beginning
of my project. (Have lots more stuff to do..)

Used the Cricut to cut out the coffin. Skeleton - 99 cents Store....


Barbara Hagerty said...

It's just amazing what all you do with your machines!! I love the coffin and skellie! Can't wait to see more!! Hope the Cricut is working fine and is turning itself off as it should. XOXO

Nancy B said...

Wow! You are doing some amazing stuff with that machine!

Brenda said...

Can you build me a box too? LOL

SewPaperPaint said...

How cool that he fit in those so well! Exciting!!!
~ Autumn Clark