So who is really interested in knowing about Alzheimer's?
Really, you should be -- because you can be healthy as a horse and then your mind starts to decay... that's what happened to us.
Don was brilliant, interesting, handsome and enthusiastic. Now he acts like a child, can't see very well (Dr says eyes are good), can't find his way from place to place, can't dress correctly, can't cut his food up.... and most of all can't start or finish any task.
I believe that sometimes his instincts take over and he wants to -- rake leaves, sweep, hang up his clothes (he's was a heck of a neat person, not like me at all), play with his hobbies, but he can't....
If we do a project (like sweep the front porch, I have to get the broom, show him how to sweep and then put the broom away.) 5 minutes later, he doesn't remember the broom or the sweeping. Sometimes, it's kind of funny. (Thank God for humor....)
Today is a better day than yesterday!! YEAH....
Thank you for posting about AZ, Barbara. I'm learning a lot from your posts.
When DeWitt lived with us, he complained about his vision. He actually had cataract surgery and his eyes were fine; I think his complaints were because he couldn't process what he was seeing and it felt wrong to him. This is the first time I've ever seen sweeping and hanging up clothes referred to as male instincts.
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