Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am a very bad girl - I forgot inchie Monday

GADS, here it is Wednesday and the light just clicked on... Monday inchie. GADS again, I totally forgot it. Must be this altered book I am working on. It is consuming me. Good thing I have a deadline for the round robin or I might file it away for a while.
I call this inchie "Catch a Falling Star".


Barbara Hagerty said...

This is SO ADORABLE! I love it Barbara!!♡

Elaine Akers said...

Barbara...Monday was a holiday so you have an excuse. (LOL) Monday holidays always mess me up for the rest of the week knowing what day it is.
Your inchie is wonderful. So colorful.

Nancy B said...

It's a real star!

Joanne Huffman said...

Love your star studded inchie - very cosmic!

Diann said...

That is an action packed inchie...great cosmic show! Diann