After very cold, record breaking weather, company, etc.etc., life is settling down. I just got my 35 cards finished and they will go in the mail today. Not doing much for the Holidays - we'll attend one party and spend Christmas eve thanking God for our blessings (which we do everyday) and I am going to cook a prime rib roast. A good friend will be here for dinner and we'll invite any other left overs that are going to alone. We'll have a few presents and watch the movie the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, which makes me laugh and laugh. Here's a clipart for you from my collection. Happy Holidays.
Thanks for the clipart Barbara - how thoughtful of you to share.
Thanks for the clipart! Your holiday sounds very relaxing and fun. By the way, my family is the Griswolds - to the extent that the one Xmas my son couldn't be with us, his pkg arrived on Xmas Day addressed to the Griswolds! Confused us and the mailman until we got it. Happy Holidays to you!
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